Friday, January 1, 2010

Ahnika's December

In the month of December Ahnika....

..... got some super cool clothes for watching football with Dad!!!!!!
..... got to watch football with Dad dressed up too!!!!!
.... got a cool new toy from Mom to climb on.....
.... tried my best to disrupt Mom & Dads attempts to take a holiday picture of me (they are so lame they drapped a white sheet over the Lay-Z-Boy instead of taking me to a real photographer)......
.... Accidently lets them get 1 good shot of me in this Christmas dress.....
... got to go to my very 1st Hockey Game and got the family free tickets in the process (while Dad was standing in line to buy tickets, I was strapped to his chest and when people walked by I flashed my baby blue eyes and breathtaking smile and 2 seperate people stopped and gave Dad a free ticket).....
.... became more fascinated with the camera.......
..... got to climb all over Moms Xmas decorations in the house.....
..... darnit, they tried again to take holiday pictures of me, as if anyone is going to mistake me for Santa in this outfit..... They distracted me with a bottle and got another good picture in....
.... Dad let me where his cool hat.....
.... got some more cool clothes (with very appropriate messages on them).....

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