Monday, January 11, 2010

Dad Makes Dinner

So I made Ahnika dinner all by myself for the 1st time while Jaci was doing a class at the gym.....

I could tell Ahnika wanted to show me her mean face so we kept rolling....

And this was from the other night with Jaci.....

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ahnika's Mad Face

Well, Ahnika has given us a new face to let us know when she is not happy.......

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ahnika's Christmas

Some randon pictures of Ahnika from Xmas and a few comments from her....

... look at me, I'm a big girl riding on my new toy..... Forget crawling around on the floor to get everywhere, this is much better......
... Can you see me? Can you see me now? I got some new camo gear so that when I go to Wal-Mart with Mom and Dad I can blend in with the locals.......
... so this was my 1st attempt at opening / getting a present..... What the heck is this and what am I supposed to do with it?
.... Ok, so you're showing me that there is something underneath the red wrapping paper, why did you wrap it up then so I don't know what the heck it is?
... Ok, so am I supposed to pull the rest of this red paper off? Its so hard to find good help these days......
.... so there's the good stuff, why couldn't we start at that point?
... check out some more of my new wheels, I gots me a Radio Flyer wagon, and its got room for two.... So much for Dad saying I can't date until I'm 18...... I'm going cruising in this bad boy...

Ahnika's December

In the month of December Ahnika....

..... got some super cool clothes for watching football with Dad!!!!!!
..... got to watch football with Dad dressed up too!!!!!
.... got a cool new toy from Mom to climb on.....
.... tried my best to disrupt Mom & Dads attempts to take a holiday picture of me (they are so lame they drapped a white sheet over the Lay-Z-Boy instead of taking me to a real photographer)......
.... Accidently lets them get 1 good shot of me in this Christmas dress.....
... got to go to my very 1st Hockey Game and got the family free tickets in the process (while Dad was standing in line to buy tickets, I was strapped to his chest and when people walked by I flashed my baby blue eyes and breathtaking smile and 2 seperate people stopped and gave Dad a free ticket).....
.... became more fascinated with the camera.......
..... got to climb all over Moms Xmas decorations in the house.....
..... darnit, they tried again to take holiday pictures of me, as if anyone is going to mistake me for Santa in this outfit..... They distracted me with a bottle and got another good picture in....
.... Dad let me where his cool hat.....
.... got some more cool clothes (with very appropriate messages on them).....

Ahnika's November

In the month of November, Ahnika......

.... really started to like to use her walker (for most climbing, but starting to try to walk with)...
...... I got to visit Grandma & Grandpa Cutts for Turkey Day and wear a pretty dress......
...... Mom got me a winter hat (since it was cold in Peoria for Turkey Day).....
.... I got to shop with Momma (a lot during the month).....
.... I discovered a new favorite toy to climb on/in, the laundry basket.....
...... I discovered that I can get into the cabinet with tuperware in it in the kitchen.....
..... I'm still a messy eater......
.... I'm not so sure what the heck these things are that Mom started putting on my feet.... Still can't quite get feet into mouth.....
.... Mom started reading books to me but I don't really pay attention, I just try to eat the corners of the pages and binding.....
.... I got another hat from Mom, a pretty awesome Bunny Eared hat.....
.... and finally, I got to go to the park a lot to feed / be chased by the Geese & Ducks......