Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jaci Debates Ultimatum, Nursery Gets Done

I could tell that Jaci was on the verge of threatening to get pregnant again right away, if I didn't get the nursery done (she didn't say it, but she was starting to get that crazy eye and I knew what she was thinking without anything being said), so I finally got motivated and finished the job (mostly because Jaci did all the final taping for me). In the end, you can tell that the nursery was done by an Engineer and not a Professional painter, but hey, you work with the tools/skills you have. All in all, it looks pretty darn good, especially from these pictures!!!

Crib has been ordered and will be here on Wendesday, so stay tuned for pictures of a nursery that will actually look like a nusery (will just be missing the baby and mondo pile of diapers)..

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