Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jaci's Belly Buldge After 28 Weeks (Jan 16th)

Apparently, there was protest that I wasn't capturing Jaci on her good side, so in an attempt to try and capture all of that beautiful pregnancy glow from Jaci, we thought we would flip the picture around.

Now, we also tried to make this process more scientific by adding the yard stick for future reference. The perspective of the pictures get thrown off because although Jaci's belly has continued to grow, so have "other" body parts. This week, the belly extends to 17 1/2" on the yardstick.

Also, for those counting at home, that is the second distinct tatoo that has been revealed on Jaci's body. The question, for the audience playing at home is, do you know where her 3rd is located?

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