Monday, June 8, 2009

Anyone Want to See New Pictures?

The series of three pictures below has one of two possible descriptions: 1) Ahnika has started to be able to control her limbs and has recently discovered her mouth; or 2) sometimes we forget to feed Ahnika for half a day or so and she has to try and nibble on whatever she can get to her mouth.....
In the picture below, Ahnika realizes that she has been caught trying to put her entire fist into her mouth..... Then comes the moment of truth, knowing she is caught, what will she do?

Continue to try and get her entire fist into her mouth, because after all, she has already been caught trying to do it, no harm in continuing right?

Sometimes you feel like a soft, squishy pillow under your head and sometimes its just more comfortable to be all sprawled out on the bed...

1 comment:

Gloria said...

I love the last pic in this post. I wish I could do that right now.