Monday, June 8, 2009

Ahnnie's Pimped Out Ride

Ahnika was very excited to get her very own yellow Cadillac (Bob top-of-the-line Jogging Stroller)...... Jaci was very excited as well, so much so that we actually made a seperate road-trip up to REI in Nashville (2 hours away) to pick it up and take Ahnika for a ride.....

You might not be able to tell, but Ahnika was just bursting with excitement to take the Bob for a ride.....

Please notice the wet pavement in the background of the picture below. Jaci was so excited to get home with the stroller, since we could now go jogging together, that we decided to take our very first run with Ahnika while it was slightly "spitting" outside.... Of course, just as we got to the 1/2 way point (and where the farthest from home), it started to pour outside. This encouraged us to run again (as we had already started walking) because we were afraid someone would call social services on us for taking a baby out in the pouring rain.....

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