Monday, April 20, 2009


The writer of this blog was on strike, demanding better benefits and more importantly, better working conditions.... Additionally, during the past month, the writer has been subjected to various forms of chinese torture. Those forms included being defacated on in the early morning hours, forced to wake up at all hours of the morning for anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours at a time, having someone turn on the sound of a screaming baby everytime you finally drift into REM sleep and I could go on and on.

Fortunately, Jaci taught me how to change a diaper to prevent getting pooped and/or peed on and started letting me sleep on the couch when Ahnika wakes up after midnight so I get at least 5 hours of sleep a night, so I stopped complaining and thanked my good fortunates of having a loving, caring wife....

Ok, on to the good stuff. Random pictures of the worlds cutest baby girl (with a few naratative comments here and there):

With the exception of the one blind dude that we polled, everyone else agrees that we have a beautiful baby... Now the natural question is, who does Ahnika get her stunning good looks from. Do they come from her gorgeous mamma, or......

From her lazy, lay on the couch and watch Battlestar Gallatica all night and maybe shave once a week dad........

If there is any doubts left in your mind about who Ahnika gets her looks from, keep looking at the remainder of the pictures (you will know which one I am talking about).....
The shirt says it all......
The picture below would have turned out better, if I hadn't combed Zeus just prior to holding Ahnika (he shed all over me)....
I think Ahnika likes her first "taggies" blanket.....

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