Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Ahnika wanted to wave a "hello" to all of her fans; especially to her grandpa who she misses terribly. Either that, or she somehow knows the symbol for "girl power"! Shortly thereafter she gave the biggest yawn I have ever seen. There might even have been a bug or two that flew in there.

The proud papa. Notice the fly away eyebrow hair...

And finally how is the original furry baby holding up with all the attention on something else besides him? See for yourself...poor Zeus!


Gloria said...

I love the pic of her yawning. I think she knows how I feel today because that is exactly what I was thinking! The weather here is dreary and I just want to go home.
poor Zeus Anti Glo will be in town to give you some love'n. I promise!

Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Tim I never new your legs would look so good wearing baby blue tights..... Are you eating peanut butter for the little rat dog to be so interested in you......