Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ahnika's Take on The Donald, Baby Smiling & Beverage of Choice

Alright, now it is Mama's turn to post some of her favorite pictures while Dad is at work supporting Ahnika' future shopping habits and I'm at home changing exploding diapers and trying to keep from getting puked on. (We're working on that one; although today I encountered all three of the bodily fluids in a 5 mintue time frame splashed across my right hand and arm).

In this picture we were just watching Celebrity Apprentice and Ahnika was showing her deep lack of enthusiam for "the Donald".

They say that babies can't smile in the first couple of weeks, I think this picture proves otherwise.

Two words: "Got milk?"

We like to call her "the little blue burrito" when she is all wrapped up like in the picture below. Sometimes it's "the little purple burrito" depending on the blanket color.

Unfortunately though, typically it is a burrito full of explosive beans that are anxious to get out, espeically if Ahnika's "Baby Sonar" detects Dad's presence and the feel of cool air.......


Gloria said...

yay its Jaci's first post. I love the pictures. She is just the cutest burrito.

Love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

OK Tim you weasel, get back here and start posting again..... I can not pick on the better half when it is obvious that she is the author of the post...... But that can change.... Do you really want that hanging over your head?????? Did you sleep well last night????

Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is not smiling, just gas. You should know that after receiving all 3 bodily fluids.

Keep up the good work training her how to spend all of Tim's money while saving yours.....