Monday, April 20, 2009

Signs of an Easy Baby

Ahnika isn't picking, instead of crying because she can't reach her blanket to put in her mouth, she is perfectly content to just nah on her clothes....

Mom's Teachings

I've been wondering what Jaci and Ahnika do all day (besides sleep and eat) and apparently Jaci has been teaching Ahnika several things. Today, Jaci taught Ahnika what her tongue was and she learned how to stick it out at Daddy....

Ok I'll Admit It.....

.... whatever she tells me she wants, she is going to get....... (I think mom has been sharing tactics with Ahnika)

(Self Explanatory)

How could you not love Ahnika?

Recognizing the Signs that Your Baby Makes....

As time goes on, Jaci and I have started to notice the subtle signs that Ahnika is sending us....

For instance, the picture below illustrates a time when Ahnika was trying to tell us that her diaper was "stinky" and needed to be changed.....

Baby Weight Update

It's official, our baby girl is getting to be a Chunky Monkey.... We took her in on her 1 month birthday and Ahnika weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces (almost 2 pounds over her birth weight).

Knowing this, really helped me and Jaci sleep better at night. We were worried that we had screwed up the job of, when baby cries, feed her, but apparently we've got that down as she is gaining weight at a great rate...


The writer of this blog was on strike, demanding better benefits and more importantly, better working conditions.... Additionally, during the past month, the writer has been subjected to various forms of chinese torture. Those forms included being defacated on in the early morning hours, forced to wake up at all hours of the morning for anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours at a time, having someone turn on the sound of a screaming baby everytime you finally drift into REM sleep and I could go on and on.

Fortunately, Jaci taught me how to change a diaper to prevent getting pooped and/or peed on and started letting me sleep on the couch when Ahnika wakes up after midnight so I get at least 5 hours of sleep a night, so I stopped complaining and thanked my good fortunates of having a loving, caring wife....

Ok, on to the good stuff. Random pictures of the worlds cutest baby girl (with a few naratative comments here and there):

With the exception of the one blind dude that we polled, everyone else agrees that we have a beautiful baby... Now the natural question is, who does Ahnika get her stunning good looks from. Do they come from her gorgeous mamma, or......

From her lazy, lay on the couch and watch Battlestar Gallatica all night and maybe shave once a week dad........

If there is any doubts left in your mind about who Ahnika gets her looks from, keep looking at the remainder of the pictures (you will know which one I am talking about).....
The shirt says it all......
The picture below would have turned out better, if I hadn't combed Zeus just prior to holding Ahnika (he shed all over me)....
I think Ahnika likes her first "taggies" blanket.....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Life Outside of Baby

Just a couple of pictures to let you guys know there is more to life than just Ahnika for Jaci and myself right now (not very much, but something is better than nothing).....

Sunday mornings, Jaci and I get up and go out and read the Sunday newspaper on our back covered patio (I read the paper, Jaci clips coupons & Ahnika, so far, just likes to make odd noises)....

Last week, we had quite a few thunderstorms that came through the area, bringing heavy rains (amongst other things - got to spend 1 1/2 hours in a designated "safe" zone at work due to Tornados in the area), anyways, the heavy rain washed away alot of dirt and mulch in a flower bed on the side of the house (on a pretty good slope).

Rather than replace the lost dirt and mulch (since they would inevitably wash away again), I decided to put down rock in the flower bed and only use mulch around the base of the plants).

Initially, I thought the project would be pretty easy as I laid out the weedfabric around the plants. But when I realized that one truck load of rock wasn't nearly enough, I realized that my project budget was going to increase in magnitude.

The picture below was taken by Jaci after I had put down 1 truck load of rock (looks alittle bare).

And in the next picture, I am hiding from Jaci as she is asking me where the rest of the rock is (hauling and unloading 1 truckload of rock yourself is alot of work, no way was I going back for more, especially since I needed about 4x as much more rock).

So I called the landscaping place and bit the bullet and had them deliver 2 cat scoops more of rock to the house (around 2 cubic yards of rock). Also, notice in the background, the beautiful, made from scratch cedar planter......... Pictures to come later on when the Jackson Perkins roses are blooming..
And less than 48 hours later, the project is done (and a glowing success). The rock will hold the mulch in place around the plantes & tree and allow water to drain on the side of the house out of the planter bed, without taking the dirt and mulch with it...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ahnika Being Ahnika

We took a couple of videos of Ahnika today, because she is just so darn cute after she has finished a bottle and wants alittle bit more.......

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ahnika's 1st Bath (No More Stinky Baby)

Ahnika was really starting to get stinky, so we couldn't wait any longer on her first bath. We had our fingers crossed that she would like them, and thankfully, she did (she would scream bloody murder when she was getting a sponge bath previously, so it was not a lot of fun).

The pictures below show our happy baby girl being bathed....

Jaci & I do not endorse child pornography, so some of the images below have been censored, our beautiful baby girl does not already have tatoos or weird birth marks that look like smily faces).

Jaci and I have learned to speak some "baby" and to also know what Ahnika is thinking, right now she is thinking, this would be a really good time to go poop......
At this moment, Ahnika is thinking wow, I really smell good now..... And so this is what it feels like to be a clean baby....

At this point Ahnika had her first words, "Yo pops, get back over here and cover me up with the towell, its cold in here you cheap azz, turn that darn thermostat up!".

Beautiful Dancing Baby

Jaci had some "gangsta" music playing in the living room yesterday and Ahnika was "grooving" to it...... Scroll down through the pictures below quickly to watch our baby girl move it.....

"Bitches, let's get this party started right!"

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Ahnika wanted to wave a "hello" to all of her fans; especially to her grandpa who she misses terribly. Either that, or she somehow knows the symbol for "girl power"! Shortly thereafter she gave the biggest yawn I have ever seen. There might even have been a bug or two that flew in there.

The proud papa. Notice the fly away eyebrow hair...

And finally how is the original furry baby holding up with all the attention on something else besides him? See for yourself...poor Zeus!