Sunday, January 18, 2009

All About Baby (at 28 Weeks)

Here are some interesting facts about Baby Ahnika:
  • Weighs 2 1/4 pounds
  • Measures ~ 15 inches long
  • She can blink her eyes (which now have eye lashes)
  • With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters through the womb and react to it

So how is Jaci feeling right now (other than like a moose). Well, she was pretty freaked out/excited the other day when she was looking at her stomach and saw what appeared to be a foot pushing out from her belly (I know, pretty creepy). So far I have only felt her violent kicks (definitely a soccer player), not seen her really pushing outwards yet. Also, it is pretty noticeable how Ahnika is posioned in the belly. Depending on how she is oriented, Jaci can see a noticeable change in the shape of her belly.

Now, if your a female, you are warned before reading the rest of this post. If you have not had a baby, you may never want to have one, so proceed justifably.... Since I have known Jaci, we've had a running joke about how when she is trying to get dressed for something semi-big, she will sit in her closest, start throwing clothes everywhere and curse the gods that she dosen't have any clothes to wear. It was always pretty comical... Well, the other day this exact moment happened, but this time I had some sympathy for her. The few pounds or so (not dumb enough to put the exact number here, give me some credit) that Jaci has gained has resulted in her officially not being able to wear any of her clothes... But it gets worst..... How can it get worse, you wonder ladies? Well, she can't fit into any of her shoes either.... I'm just waiting for the day that I come home and Jaci has discovered sweatpants. Then it will be sweatpants and slipper Jaci for the next 3 months......

Additionally, Jaci is having some body discomfort as well. The increased flow of blood in Jaci's body (a near 50% increase in Volumetric flow) has resulted in Jaci getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both of her wrists. She has started taking pain killers and wearing supportive wrist braces while she sleeps, which has helped with the discomfort. Now, in addition to having a baby that is addicted to sugar, she will also be addicted to pain killers as well.

After seeing how much discomfort Jaci gets from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I've realized that I can't spend the rest of my life typing away at a computer........ I need to win the lottery..... Soon......... Sorry, can't type anymore, need to stop, preventative health measure......


Gloria said...

I know you are already doing this, but take care of my precious Jaci. I love you guys so much and wish I could be there.
Miss ya!

B said...

Tell Jaci that I am sorry that she has Carpel tunnel. It is definitely not fun.

If your doc hasn't already told you, it should resolve with delivery of Ahnika...but can come back when/if Tim Jr. is in the oven...

Wow, to think that there could be a little mini-Tim in this world...