Monday, December 1, 2008

ThanksBamaGiving '08

With the table all set beautifully by the various women of the house (Jaci, Mother-in-Law & Jaci's Sister), everyone was ready to eat.....

To have the BEST turkey possible, we needed to deep fry in peanut oil and luckily, we had two experts in turkey frying onhand.
Two quick side notes from the peanut gallery. 1) It was flat out hot for Thanksgiving Day in Huntsville, a steamy 63 degrees. 2) Either I need to lose some weight, or my Father-in-Law needs to gain some weight or somewhere in the middle for both of us.....

After 4 minutes a pound, it was time to pull that sucker out of the oil and slap him on a plate to be eaten.

With the turkey cooked, it was time for carving (done by Mother-in-Law Beeeecky - spelled as it is pronouced).

And of course once the moment arrived to finally dig in, Baby Mama and Baby Ahnika (or maybe Onica) got to have first dibs on the buffet line (would you expect anything less) (one has to wonder though, how does the belly get so big with so little on the plate? oh wait, that's the main course plate, not the dessert plate).

1 comment:

Gloria said...

Look at that baby bump! Jaci looks so cute. It sounds like you all had a great time. Wish I could have been there.

Missing both of you!