Monday, December 1, 2008

21st Century Yardwork

Here are the basic steps to raking leaves in the 21st century:

1) Let your yard get covered with leaves and your landscaped areas overflowing with leaves to the point where it appears that you've purposely covered everything to use the leaves as organic fertilizer.

2) Invite family/friends over on a nice day and allow them to see the overrun yard by leaves.

3) Get out the rakes and conveniently disappear for a couple of hours.

4) Once the hard work has been done and the leaves raked into nice piles in the yard and out from the landscaping surrounding the house, ride through the piles pulling your lawn sweeper behind your riding lawn mower (this step is actually harder than it looks).

5) Dump the leaves on your front curb for yard waste pickup.

1 comment:

B said...

My God Tim, you look so hot on that mower...