Monday, June 8, 2009

Mom & Dad's 1st Night Out

On Saturday, May 30th, Jaci and I left Ahnika for the first time (in the very capable hands of my in-laws - Jaci paid me to say it that way) and went up to Madison, Wisconsin to attend the wedding of an old college friend and former Groomsman of mine, Michael McCarty (aka Boner)....

The Wedding was at 1:00 pm and by 2:30 pm we were together with the old college dormmates, eating and drinking.....

The picture below was taken early in the evening, I know this because of the next picture (picture below is Tyler, Kirk and his fiance Molly)....

This was a picture of Tyler later on in the evening, closer to 10:00 pm (or about 7 1/2 hours after we had all started drinking).....

Have you ever met someone that moved into a house and had it burn down 3 months later, destroying virtually everything they own? Well, meet Kirk & Molly (couldn't have happened to a nicer couple unfortunately).....

The picture below is of Carolyn, Scottie & Eric (Eric is pretty bold, he is paying his way to go to Tanzania, Africa for 1 month to help educate kids there)..... We hope that he does not get eaten by a lion or Malaria.... Seriously.....
Now, Jaci put on a show for her parents by calling 3 times early in the day to check-up on Ahnika..... Now you tell me, does she look like an overly concered mom?
Let me ask that question again, does Jaci look like a worried mom, or someone who is letting loose and having fun? It was good to have a night away from the responsibilities of the real world, not that we don't love our baby girl, but "she can be a bit much sometimes" (if you know what movie that quote is from, a gold star to you)....

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