Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ahnika Goes to 1st Baseball Game

On Saturday night, we took Ahnika to her first baseball game (game for the Huntsville Stars - AA Minor League Baseball Team). Even though the Stars sucked (lots of errors and only 1 hit in 7 innings), everyone still had a good time.....

Amazingly, the game put Ahnika to sleep? Can't imagine how that could happen, with how fast-paced baseball is?

I think I look like I was having a bit more fun than Jaci was (but it was close).......
During the game, Ahnika was really getting into baseball and even did her best "bobblehead" impression....

But that wasn't her favorite part of the game, the best part was when they played "Who Let The Dogs Out" (Ahnnie girls new favorite song)....

1 comment:

Gloria said...

I love the videos. She looks like she is having a grand'ole time!