Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Video of Tim & Ahnika


Gloria said...


I can't wait to see her in person!


Anonymous said...

Why did you have to ruin a perfectly good video by wearing that T-shirt?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing better then new born baby girl...... She is an absolute angel..... May she grow up realizing MLB is for losers..... And if she was to upchuck on the hat that would be OK too........

Anonymous said...

Good lookin kid! Don't know the mom but she sure must be good lookin to make up for Dad. Congrats to you both!

Trish said...

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the beautiful videos. Jaci, I cried with you. She IS perfect and beautiful and I see you in that quick peek I got in her daddy's arms. I'm so happy she's here safe and that all is well. I have been thinking of you guys so much and praying. So we've got a St. Pat's baby. Pretty good day to be born, I think. She's got the luck of the Irish! Love you guys. Sending rest and energy vibes to Jaci. You're one awesome mama, J! Have fun, daddy. Congrats to her Aunty and her Gramma and Grandpa. Woohoo!

Todd and Trish Lawrence

Anonymous said...

Tim & Jaci - she is beautiful. The videos are wonderful. Jaci - I wish you a quick and speedy recovery. I wish I could be there to see her in person and to hug you. Take care of yourself and I can't wait to see her in person. Love and hugs to all of you.

Ann Gilbert - Scobee Girl