Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Changing Diapers Will Never Be the Same Again.....

Sometimes, when your tired, you don't bring your A game and you pay the price..... Last night, around 2:30 am Ahnika woke up crying. So step 1, change the dirty diaper. Being that it was early in the morning and I was very tired, I was not quite moving with a lot of urgency. Usually, before I start a diaper change, I have everything out and ready. That was not the case this time.

After taking off Ahnika's diaper, I then proceeded to lift her butt up and wipe her down. And then the crucial mistake, I did not have the diaper ready and instead set her back down on the changing pad and went for a diaper. After grabbing a diaper and expanding it out, I then grabbed Ahnika by the legs again and lifted her up. By this time, she had been exposed to lots of cool air in the wrong places....

As if she was waiting for the perfect moment, once I got her butt elevated to start to slide the diaper under her, she let out a blast. Not a squirt, a blast. As indicated by the red arrows below, the poop blast actually cleared a good 16 inches remaining of the changing station, about 3 feet of carpet and a portion made it onto the bed. Luckily, being the good soldier that I am, I was positioned perfectly to take the brute of the blast. Afterwards, Jaci and I just looked at each other in amazement and laughed hard, until Ahnika, butt still up in the air with her legs in my hand, let out another warning shot, thankfully it wasn't a full blast. At this point I scrambled to get the diaper on her to protect myself.

By the way, to make matters worse, when I had rolled out of bed awakening to Ahnika's cries, I haphazardly tossed my pillow to the end of the bed, which then was knocked to the floor and you guessed it, served as protection to the carpet....

Lesson learned, even when your tired, you have to bring your A game to diaper changing, otherwise you'll end up having a sh*tty game.....

Picture above is re-enactment of the setup at the time.


Gloria said...

I love how she is lifting her leg for the re-enactment.

Anonymous said...

I guess that is why you are a pitcher and not a catcher

Anonymous said...

Exhibit A for moving her to her own room starting tonight.

Anonymous said...

A Brown facial. They are the best! Your one lucky man.