Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby 1st Doctor's Appointment & Update on Mom

This morning, after carefully planning on how we could get showers in and ready to go without interupting Ahnika's feeding schedule, we made it over to our 1st appointment with the Pediatrician.... Although we didn't actually get to even see the Pediatrician... Instead, all it was, was an appointment to check Ahnika's weight.... 30 seconds later we were back out the door.... Good thing we chose the Pediatrician's office that is located 30 minutes from our house.....

Ahnika weighed in at 5 pounds 2 ounces this morning, just 2 ounces less than what she was friday night when she was discharged from the hospital. All in all good news, especially considering that Ahnika burped up at least a half-ounce of breastmilk onto me this morning.....

Best thing about the appointment was it gave Jaci a reason to get all put together and show off how much better she looks (Jaci is already down over 20 pounds from the baby and more significantly, passing of fluids that has swollen her body).

1 comment:

Gloria said...

There is nothing better than to see a mothers happy, heathy, excited smile. Jaci is looking good!
Ahnika is so darn cute. Please tell Ahnika her Mommy's favorite cousin can't wait to meet her.

I love the pictures! Keep posting more.