Thursday, January 22, 2009

Houston, We Have a Crib.....

This past Tuesday night I started working on putting the crib together, only to give up after 60 minutes of frustration (I spent the 1st 50 minutes putting the crib together wrong, which Jaci was very kind to point out in a very nice way......). After 60 minutes of work, I hadn't even completed the pre-assembly steps.

I started back up tonight and was able to gain some quick momentum as I flew through the first 10 steps or so and was done about 60 minutes later. All in all, it took me 120 minutes, which was more than the instructions claimed (90 minutes), but pretty good time for an Engineer..... at least I think anyways...... It certainly went faster than the 6 hours it took myself and father in-law to put our desk together (trust me, it is harder than it looks)...

Anyways, below is a picture of the crib with the bedding set on it (Jaci says that I must point out that the bedding has not been washed and ironed yet, so it is not completely finished yet).

Next up, get a changing table and paint the day bed in the nursery white.


Gloria said...

I love it! I absolutely love it!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Ahnika's room looks amazing! I'm glad I finally checked out the bama baby blog again. :) -Sarah-