Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Inevitable Has Happened..... The Police Were Called to the Hess Residence....

...... were they called to respond to domestic abuse..... Did 6 months of trying to cope with Jaci's relentless pregnancy hormones finally push me over the edge and into a moment of temporary insanity, in which I struck out at Jaci.... Or was it the other way around..... Did 6 months of trying to understand how a husband can be so clueless about the needs of a pregnant woman finally drive Jaci insane enough to lash out at me (significant enough to require the police to intervene, since physical violence from Jaci, especially pinching, occurs quite often)....... No.......

Jaci stormed off to cool her hot head and decided to take the dog for a walk...... During which, she decided to explore the "new" area of the neighborhood were the streets are in, but no homes have been constructed. On her walk, Jaci came across the item shown below, a 380 semi-automatic handgun! The gun was not loaded, but it was located just a few feet away from the curb and could have easily been found by a kid passing by.....

Against our Alabamian Instincts, we did not keep the gun, but called the police. They filed a missing property report and Jaci will be contacted by a detective in the near future (I told Jaci to ask if we get the gun back if nobody claims it?).

Moral of the story is, sometimes its really good to go ape shit on your significant other and storm off, because you just might end up saving a kids life by doing so!!!!

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