Saturday, August 9, 2008

Finding Out - Aug. 9th

After not feeling very good for a couple of days, Jaci wanted to take a pregnancy test (a couple of weeks earlier, Jaci wasn't feeling very good for a few days so we bought a store pregnancy test that was negative, so Jaci was not getting overly excited about the potential of another test). After picking up the home pregnancy test, I carried in the remainder of the groceries and didn't think too much more about it.....

In the mean time, I was on the computer checking the Dodgers score, when Jaci walked into the office and without saying anything, stuck something out at me. It took me a minute to realize what it was and another moment to realize what it was displaying. Jaci shrieked, cried and jumped for joy all at once, as she was trying to hug me. We were both overcome with excitement of knowing that Jaci was pregnant.... I was very proud of my boys, they had done their job on the "Baby Making" cruise......