Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ahnika's Playground Status

In early August, with the help of a co-worker and his 2 high-school sons, after 4 long hours the border was put in (200 feet of 4x4 pressure treated posts)......

With the arrival of my father-in-law for a "vacation", we got started on building the swingset. We started at 6 am on a Sunday morning, initially working in the driveway (full sun) but quickly moved to the back patio (shaded in the morning).....

After building the center base structure of the clubhouse, we moved onto the clubhouse siding and roof rafters.....

Before the structure got too heavy, we moved it into position and continued work on the upper level clubhouse.....

After nearly 12 hours of work (in 96 degree heat), we called it a day...... Two more men working for 12 hours and only 2/3rds done....

After another 10 hours of work (roughly), the swingset was finished with the only thing left to do is finish putting down weed fabric and spreading 11 yards of mulch (currently sitting on the driveway)......

Good looking swingset right? Its even got a bay window!

Ahnika already loves the slide. She can climb up the side ladder on her own and slide down!!!


Crazy for the Lord- Our Adoption Journey! said...

WOW!! So cute!! Love it!!

healthy foods said...

Raising kid is not easy but if you enjoy raising a family and it is your priority then I am sure you will love it.

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