Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ahnika's 1st Bath (No More Stinky Baby)

Ahnika was really starting to get stinky, so we couldn't wait any longer on her first bath. We had our fingers crossed that she would like them, and thankfully, she did (she would scream bloody murder when she was getting a sponge bath previously, so it was not a lot of fun).

The pictures below show our happy baby girl being bathed....

Jaci & I do not endorse child pornography, so some of the images below have been censored, our beautiful baby girl does not already have tatoos or weird birth marks that look like smily faces).

Jaci and I have learned to speak some "baby" and to also know what Ahnika is thinking, right now she is thinking, this would be a really good time to go poop......
At this moment, Ahnika is thinking wow, I really smell good now..... And so this is what it feels like to be a clean baby....

At this point Ahnika had her first words, "Yo pops, get back over here and cover me up with the towell, its cold in here you cheap azz, turn that darn thermostat up!".


Gloria said...

She really is a little one! Its hard to get a good perspective with pictures, but seeing her in her little bath really shows her size. She looks like a little petite flower like her mommy!

Love ya Hess Family!

Anonymous said...


Need to see more pink pictures as well as the ones from "the big dip"

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