Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mom Update & More Pictures

Every day Jaci is feeling better and is really looking good. She is recovery well and the 30+ pounds of retained fluid weight that she has dropped has really made her feel better (now that we realize how much weight she was retaining from her body swelling with fluids, it makes me feel a little bit guilty for giving her a hard time about what she was eating towards the end of the pregnancy..... only a little though......)

Ahnika looks so comfortable, that I have now gone to sleeping on my back with my feet twisted together and elbows bent up with my hands against my face.....

Ahnika got her 1st walk yesterday, all the way around the circle (hey its a start when you're recovering from a C-Section......). You can see the excitment in Ahnika's eyes!!!!

Ahnika's 1st time in an official "Swaddle Me" blanket..... A bit big, but works well.... Lets see you try and get an arm lose from there.....

Although, Ahnika does have a little "gangster" in her..... No matter how we put her hat on, she always seems to wiggle one arm free and pull it down to just about over her eyes....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for including one picture where she is not wearing mostly pink.

Ann Gilbert said...

Jaci - you look great and Ahnika is absolutely adorable. I just want to kiss her all over. I am sure you are enjoying motherhood. I hope you make it out here this summer as I would love to see you and her. Hugs to you and glad you are recovering quickly. Love ya.


Anonymous said...

OK we are ready for something new..... come on, what are you doing all day..... Your not working T-Daddy..... Maybe heading over to the T-Daddy's big dip so you can post pictures and share the dip story with all your fans.....