Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 7 Evening - Kuaii

In the evening, we went to an amazing Luau, complete with roasted pig and firedancing.

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 7 Morning - Kuaii

In the morning, we traveled up into the mountains to go tubing! We rode intertubes down water passage ways that were handmade for farming irrigation around WWII.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 6 - Kona

In Kona, we went snorkeling and searching for Sea Turtles again, however we didn't have much luck. The snorkeling spot was not very good, especially after having been to Molokini.

A treat though was we got to see dozens of Spinner dolphins swimming and jumping in the water.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 5 - Hilo

In Hilo, we went on a 3 mile hike that went around the rim of several beautiful valleys, such as the one below.

During the hike, we came a waterfall and basin where we went swimming.

At the end of the night, we saild around the Big Island and got to watch lava flowing from the Southern most Volcano that makes up a portion of the Big Island (it was awesome to see the lava exploding into the water, however all of the air polution from the lava sucked the next day in Kona where is was very smoggy from the high volcano activity).

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 4 - Maui (continued)

1 more video from snorkeling at Molokini:

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 4 - Maui (continued)

A video from snorkeling at Molokini:

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 4 - Maui (continued)

After Molokini, we went to Turtle Arches, where we lucked out and had 2 Sea Turtles swim directly under us (hard to see in picture below, but he's there).

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 4 - Maui

We spent the next day in Maui snorkeling at Molokini and looking for Sea Turtles at Turtle Arches. Pictures from Molokini are shown below, Sea Turles and video are on the next couple of blog entries.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 3 - Maui

We decided to take it easy the 1st day of the cruise and just went to one of Maui's beautiful beaches and spent the day there. Unfortunately, the cruise ship was docked in more of an industrial area, so we couldn't really explore Maui.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 2 - Honolulu

Jaci and I lucked out and managed to get a stretch limo for taxi price to take us over to the cruise ship.....

The ship was beautiful and massive (unfortunately I don't have a good picture of the ship up close, so I took the image below from NCL's website).

The area in the picture is where we spent a lot of time. It is where the main pools were, along with 8 or so hot tubs.

And below is a picture of the Balcony Suite that we had. It wasn't very big, but the views from it were amazing (besides, we were only in the room to sleep and GET ER DONE! - baby making cruise remember).

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 1 - Honolulu

After arriving in Honolulu, we had one day to ourselves before leaving on the cruise the following morning. We checked into our hotel, took in the amazing view and headed off to the beach.

Don't worry, hairy chests and backs were in at the beach this year (I tried to get Jaci to wax beforehand but she wouldn't listen to me)!

Baby Making Honeymoon Day 1 - Leaving Seattle

Jaci and I were married a few months after I graduated, at a time when I did not have any vacation days or money for a honeymoon. 5 years later, Jaci and I finally had money and I had vacation days. We were finally off for our honeymoon, 9 days in Hawaii, including a 7 night cruise. Previously, Jaci and I had planned on trying to have a baby while we were in Hawaii, so it was known as the baby making cruise. In preparation for the cruise, Jaci and I had to get into our cruise bodies. Overall, Jaci lost 14 pounds and I lost 22 pounds (picture is for historical reference of how skinny we had gotten).